Thursday, April 15, 2010


The idea of this pic is two fold.

First is that I've found great inspiration from the Rama story. Recently Bhakthi TV aired Ramayanam discourse by Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswar Ran garu. The amazing command this gentleman has over language and scripture influenced me a lot. I started to appreciate why Valmiki's praise is sung by all poets. So I figured that I need an outlet to express some of my thoughts. I shall start writing here verses that I like from Valmiki Ramayanam and take liberty to express my thoughts on those.

Secondly, due to restrictions at workplace, I'd like to explore the option of blogging from my phone starting with this.

Sree Rama Jayam!

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Love to blog. Every time I turn joyous or in extreme pain, I blog. Huge believer of 'charity begins at home'.